Public Records Request

Public Records Request

The Village of Magdalena's public records are available for inspection as required by law to any person making such a request.

Any copy of the record(s) requested will be subject to the usual cost of copying, $.50 per page for documents eleven inches by seventeen inches or smaller. The cost for larger documents will be determined based on the type of document. If the person requesting inspection would like any public record faxed to them, then an additional fee of $1.00 per page will be charged to the requestor. If the person requesting inspection would like any public records mailed to them, then an additional fee to cover the actual postage rates will be charged to the requestor. The undersigned agrees to pay such charges in advance of copying. The time it will take to have your copies ready is based on the number and accessibility of the documents you request. The length of time required to copy large numbers of records is subject to negotiation. This office will make every effort to provide records at the time of the request or as soon as possible without serious disruption to our other business. If your request is determined to be burdensome or overboard, it will take us additional time to comply with it. If we need additional time to comply, you will be notified in writing by the third (3rd) day that more time will be necessary. For those individuals who are prevented from picking up their copies due to some disability, accommodations will be made to deliver the copies.

If the information being requested is available electronically and readily available:

The cost of receiving records via email is…………………………………………… $0.00 per email transfer,

The cost of receiving records on a CD/DVD is……………………………………. $5.00 per CD/DVD
Duplication of meeting audio on CD/DVD:

Per Audio CD/DVD……………………………………………………………………………… $7.50 each

If CD/DVD is provided………………………………………………………………………... $5.00 each
Public records are available for inspection between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on normal business days in the presence of the Village Clerk or her authorized designee. Original records may not be removed from the Village Offices. ​

Please Fill Out the Form Below

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Do You Want Copies of These Records?*
If It is Possible, Do You Wish for These Records to Be Emailed to You?
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