Application for Use of Lodger's Tax

Application for Use of Lodger's Tax

Request to Village of Magdalena for Use of Lodger’s Tax
(Pursuant to Lodger’s Tax Act Section 3-38-14 NMSA 1978)

"*" indicates required fields

Our mission is to stimulate economic growth by marketing Magdalena as a visitor destination through tourism.
Eligible uses of Lodger’s Tax Proceeds are to defray the costs of:

advertising, publicizing and promoting tourist-related attractions, facilities and events as stated in SECTION 4 of the Village Ordinance. (A complete copy is available upon request.)
1. This request is made by
The purpose of this request is to provide tourist related activities and contract with the Village and other individuals/entities in the provision of tourist-related promotional activities.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
1. All printed material must include the Village logo (available at Village Hall once approval has been given), and indicate that Village of Magdalena Lodger’s Tax funds were used in the purchase of said items.
  • BEFORE EVENT - Applicant is required to provide an estimated budget to include: Revenue (income from sponsors, sales, booth space fees, etc.) and Expenses (advertising, rental fees, etc.).
  • FOLLOWING EVENT - Applicant shall provide accurate financial records (invoices, receipts, etc.) for all items for which the City pays.
2. Use of Funds
The use of Village of Magdalena’s Lodger’s tax funds are outlined by Village Ordinance No. 2015-06. The requirements as outlined by the Village’s Lodger’s Tax Ordinance must be adhered to in the execution of all aspects of this request. Applicant acknowledges that a complete copy is available and understands the eligible uses of Lodger’s Tax Proceeds. * Lodger’s tax funds are not to be used to pay for motel rooms.

3. Terms and Conditions of this Request
B. Any other requests (ie. Use of Village property, police escort, etc. must be made at Village Hall).
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As Mayor of the Village of Magdalena I am authorizing the above described event with the understanding that all preliminary administrative functions have been met (i.e. budget, Board approval, etc.).
BUDGET WORKSHEET (complete this form as an estimate BEFORE your event and again AFTER your event showing actual amounts, along with an event summary
Who is your target market?

How/where are you advertising your event? Does this reach your target market?

*Please include copies of all advertisements following event
Number of Visitors at Event
Number of Motel Rooms Filled
(Please let us know how your event went, things that went well, areas that need work or attention for next year)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.